COINAtlantic co-organized a webinar for the release of the Atlantic Provinces chapter of the Regional Perspectives Report and the launch of CLIMAtlantic, Atlantic Canada's new climate service hub, on December 17, 2021.
Led by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the report is part of Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, the national assessment of how and why Canada’s climate is changing; the impacts of these changes on our communities, environment, and economy; and how we are adapting. The first product of the current assessment process, Canada’s Changing Climate Report, was released in April 2019. The Prairie Provinces chapter, the first chapter of the Regional Perspectives Report, was released in 2020, which was followed in 2021 by the National Issues Report. Additional chapters of the Regional Perspectives Report will be released in the coming months, as well as the Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate Report, a report on Indigenous resilience, and an enhanced synthesis report.
The Atlantic Chapter highlights that infrastructure in the Atlantic Provinces is being threatened by increased flooding and erosion; climate change is exacerbating health risks in the region; critical natural resource sectors are vulnerable to climate change; and partnerships with local Indigenous Peoples are vital to informing adaptation in the region. As impacts will persist and intensify over time, urgent action is needed to increase resilience to climate change through adaptation.
The webinar featured opening remarks from The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, and the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change (ECCC). Presentations from representatives from NRCan and the author team of the Atlantic Provinces chapter shared an overview of the national assessment process and discussed the key messages from the chapter. Guest speakers are listed below.

This webinar also included a presentation on CLIMAtlantic, which is part of the regional climate-expert network being created by Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Canadian Centre for Climate Services. Dr. Heather Morrison provided opening remarks for CLIMAtlantic. Dr. Morrison is the acting Executive Director with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, which is leading the development of a national network of regional organizations across the country. CLIMAtlantic is a key component of this network and was established to increase access to locally relevant data and information to enhance adaptation to climate change in Atlantic Canada through collaboration, networking, and partnerships. CLIMAtlantic was created in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS) and all Atlantic Canada’s Provincial governments.
The Government of Canada is providing $1.65 million over three years towards the operations of CLIMAtlantic, and will contribute as much as $301,500 to support the work of regional climate service specialists in each Atlantic Province. The Atlantic Provinces are each contributing $75,000 over three years to the organization’s operations.
The press release from Natural Resources Canada can be read here.