Ocean Best Practices is holding a virtual workshop series "OBPS Workshop VI", to guide the development of best practices and operating practices, promote their documentation, and share them widely using the Ocean Best Practices System. The workshop will cover a broad range of topics proposed by self-identified session leads, working with the workshop coordinators.
Workshop dates: 5 October (3 hours) and 19 October (1.5 hours)
Theme Sessions will meet between workshops (6-16 October), at times of their own choosing.
Theme Sessions may cover any subject relating to ocean best practices and can be one hour or longer, on multiple days, (06-16 October), as planned by the proposed session lead.
Theme Sessions already confirmed:
6. Data Interoperability
9. eDNA
All sessions will take place on Zoom, and require registration.
For more information, see the full agenda.
Workshop Timetable Overview: