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Our Work

Sydney Harbour Atlas

The Sydney Harbour Atlas was developed in collaboration with Gateway Geomatics. The Sydney Harbour Atlas displays multiple spatial data layers relevant to an urbanized coastal ecosystem. 

The Atlas objectives were to:

  • support analysis to aid monitoring the effectiveness of the artificial reefs as a fish habitat rehabilitation tool.

  • support effective planning and management decisions for the coastal ecosystem.

  • assess and portray the value of the ecosystem goods and services provided by the harbour.

  • provide a training and exploration tool to be used to enhance higher level education.

The atlas used a customized version of COINAtlantic’s Search Utility and displayed map layers from several Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant Web Mapping Services (WMS), including COINAtlantic’s own WMS of the data stored in the OBIS Canada Information  Publication Tool, as well as other WMS provided by the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada.​

Continue to Explore

Screen capture of the Sydney Harbour Atlas (currently offline) 

Thanks to the Sydney Harbour Atlas partners:

  • Dr. Bruce Hatcher, Cape Breton University 

  • Jeff McKenna, Gateway Geomatics

  • The COINAtlantic Geomatics Working Group 

  • Environment  and Climate Change Canada, Atlantic Ecosystem Initiative 

© 2020 by COINAtlantic

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