Ocean Decade Laboratories
'A Predicted Ocean' Ocean Decades Laboratory will be occurring online from 15-17 September, 2021.
The Ocean Decade Laboratories are a creative, interactive platform to support action for the Ocean Decade around the globe. See for more information about additional laboratories upcoming in the 2021 and 2022 on the Laboratories Website.
CoastGIS 2021
CoastGIS 2021 will be occurring as an all-online symposium from 16-17 September, 2021.
The symposium theme "Sustainable Coastal Planning in a Changing World" refers to the challenges faced worldwide in light of sustainable development and emphasis will be on cooperation in spatial planning between countries. The symposium aims to address recent challenges in managing our coastlines effectively and sustainably.
Abstract submission is closed.
Ocean Best Practices Community Workshop 5
Ocean Best Practices Workshop 5 will be occurring online from 20-24 September, 2021.
During this workshop entitled "An Ocean of Values", participants will be identifying which ocean practices matter to them and why. The IOC-UNESCO Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) uses a light-weight value flow analysis to help develop our thinking around our platform and strategy to better fit what matters to the diverse ocean community.
Contribution submission is closed.
ICAN 9 Virtual Workshop
ICAN 9 Virtual Workshop will be occurring online from 27-29 September, 2021.
The workshop theme is Local to Global - Benefits of Coastal Web Atlas Sharing and Connectivity. The workshop will provide an opportunity to present and discuss recent innovations in atlases, how atlases can contribute to the goals of the UN's Decade of Ocean Science, and it will investigate synergies with other initiatives, such as the IODE OceanInfoHub.
Abstract submission is open until September 17, 2021 on a space available basis.
We're All in the Same Boat Webinar Series
Webinar series will be occurring on September 22, October 6, and October 20, 2021.
CIOOS Atlantic and NERACOOS are hosting a three-part webinar series featuring discussions with local experts on scientific, economic, and policy issues facing coastal communities spanning the Arctic to the Northeastern seaboard of the United States. The series will coincide with the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy as it travels through the Arctic, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and the Gulf of Maine.