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Coastal and Ocean Data Management: Best Practices and Training for Non-Governmental Organizations

COINAtlantic has seen that there is a range in capacity for and knowledge of data management practices within non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and that there is growing recognition of the importance of data management to achieve shared goals and a desire for training to increase in-house capacity. We have just launched a project in response to this need! The goal of this project is to empower non-governmental organizations (e.g., community groups, ENGOs, industry associations, etc.) that carry out projects in marine and coastal environments in the Bay of Fundy, Scotian Shelf and the adjacent coastal areas of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with a best practices guide and training to increase organizational data management capacity. A survey will be circulated shortly to gather insights about data management capacity and interests to make sure the best practices guide and training responds to the needs of the NGO community.

Data management is a process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing data to ensure accessibility and reliability for data users. For example, your organization may collect water quality data to assess the efficacy of harbour clean-up efforts or conduct seabird surveys to help evaluate the ecological health of marine and coastal areas. The data that organizations create is a valuable resource that supports action and change through evidence-based decision making. Data management can help mitigate the risk that data is lost and can support data sharing so that the value of your data is fully maximized over the short and long term.

COINAtlantic is working with the Clean Foundation on this project and we thank the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for their financial support. If you are interested in receiving the survey or information about the best practices guide and training, please contact us at

1 Comment

Sep 24, 2021

Kami secara teratur mengikuti Subjek Di Atas bersama teman, keluarga, dan kolega kami dari Doha, Negara Bagian Qatar. Sebagai informasi paket wisata malang, jika Anda pergi ke Gunung Bromo dimungkinkan untuk semua waktu Kalender Tahunan tetapi untuk Gunung. Gunung Semeru sebagai obyek khusus di kawasan tersebut sebelum ke sana harus memantau cuaca dan mengambil informasi dari Kantor Penjaga Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger (mungkin melalui Internet) karena kadang-kadang ditutup dari pengunjung.

Hiking Gunung Semeru adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa, meskipun proses yang membosankan dalam mempersiapkan pendakian. Kami pergi mendaki secara mandiri tanpa tur (kami semua adalah pejalan kaki biasa di Indonesia), dan tidak mudah mendapatkan dokumen dan izin yang diperlukan sebelum mendaki. informasi transportasi juga belum tersedia secara luas/akurat. Meskipun demikian,…

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