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Blue Economy Strategy Engagement Paper, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The Government of Canada plans to develop a strategic framework to guide future actions and investments that will help grow the Canadian ocean economy, while advancing conservation objectives. The strategy aims to harness opportunities on all three coasts and position Canada as a leader in the global blue economy. To ensure the blue economy strategy reflects the needs of Canadians, Fisheries and Oceans Canada is seeking input on priority areas of action.

The Blue Economy Strategy Engagement Paper starts by exploring how a strategy could best support and advance the economic well-being of coastal and Indigenous communities, including by creating well-paying jobs and making our ocean sectors more inclusive. The second section probes seven ways to position our blue economy for growth and success, including challenges to overcome. Lastly, the paper examines each ocean sector in depth, along with a few future-oriented and emerging sectors. All three sections of the paper suggest potential actions that a blue economy strategy could take and invites responses to questions. At the end some ‘big picture’ questions are posed.

More details are available here. Submissions due by June 15, 2021.

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